Rssa recipients going to get a stimulus check in 2025
The latest information and instructions from the IRS on the Economic Impact Payments (also known as stimulus payments) and on the Recovery Rebate Credit made available to those who did not receive one or more of their Economic Impact Payments is available at
According to this news release,
The Recovery Rebate Credit is a refundable credit for individuals who did not receive one or more Economic Impact Payments (EIP), also known as stimulus payments.
In December 2024, the IRS began issuing payments to eligible people who did not claim the Recovery Rebate Credit on their 2021 tax returns. All payments should be received by late January 2025, and taxpayers do not need to take any action to receive these payments.
For detailed information, see "IRS announces special payments going this month to 1 million taxpayers who did not claim 2021 Recovery Rebate Credit; encourages non-filers about approaching deadline to claim credits"
The IRS had previously issued all first, second and third Economic Impact Payments. Most eligible people already received their stimulus payments and won't be eligible to claim a Recovery Rebate Credit.
To access your personal IRS account and view your tax records, go to
If you have any further questions that are not answered on the pages linked above, you can contact the IRS online, by phone, or in person at
Statements from the Social Security Administration about SSI recipients and the Economic Impact Payments are available at
You can get assistance and answers to your Social Security questions online, by phone, by mail, or in person at
I hope this information is helpful. If this is not what you need, or if there is any other way we can assist you, please let us know.
Bobby Griffith
Lead Government Information Reference Associate
Sycamore Library
University of North Texas Libraries