Can a man draw his wife xwife been married 23year but
Can a man draw his wife xwife been married 23year but
Divorce draw part of her Retirement even does she still alive an still working or part or her social security
Divorce draw part of her Retirement even does she still alive an still working or part or her social security
Thank you for your question.
According to the Social Security Administration, if you are divorced from a marriage that lasted at least 10 years, you may be able to get benefits on your former spouse’s record. For an explanation of how this works, visit the SSA Family Benefits page at
For more explanation about spouse's benefits, read the SSA's Retirement Benefits brochure, available at
I hope this information is helpful. If this is not what you need, or if there is any other assistance we can provide, please let us know.
Bobby Griffith
Lead Government Information Reference Associate
Sycamore Library
University of North Texas Libraries