I'm looking for a search string for gov docs related to this question What is the range of interventions used to increase language access to

I'm looking for a search string for gov docs related to this question What is the range of interventions used to increase language access to support services for survivors of IPV? Have these interventions been evaluated quantitatively or qualitatively?
intervention AND "language barrier*" OR translation AND "interpersonal violence"


   Thanks for your question!  Not knowing where you are located, I am covering government documents resources both free and fee-based.

.1.  Since you are in Seattle WA, you might contact various academic and public libraries to access various fee-based databases covering government information.   https://librarytechnology.org/libraries/  You might also use the libraries' online chat services to get info on suggested databases.  Also, you might check the university library's webpages for Research Guides covering IPV - maybe Human Sciences and ask for help from the librarians in crafting your search strategies.  

2.  Catalog of US Government Publications   https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=201678496   The best index to government documents  I did a search for "intimate partner volence" and found this record - which also lists other possible subject headings  https://catalog.gpo.gov/F/MJ3LC9HHVA2T51EDR7A4NRJPCVBUAY21ETJ361QCAB9YY2H62M-11134?func=full-set-set&set_number=065252&set_entry=000001&format=999

3.  USA.gov   https://www.usa.gov/  The basic portal to government information  I did this search and found some possibilities  https://search.usa.gov/search?affiliate=usagov_all_gov&query=%22domestic+violence%22+%22support+services%22+%22language+barriers%22

4.  Google   https://www.google.com/  Do a  search and limit to site:gov   e.g.  IPV site:gov

6.   You had asked for search strings.  You came up with some good suggestions.  One thing to remember - The more detailed the search string, the more possibiiliy of missing some relevant items related to your topic - so sometimes you may need to edit your search terms based on your topic.

     Some of my suggestions are:      "intimate partner violence" and  "support services" and "language barriers)   but there are are number of other possibilities depending on how extensive a search you want to do.     

My last thought is that  although there should be some resources from government sources, there probably will be also a lot of resources from non-govt sources.  If you want to include that way, I would let me know or ask for help with local librrians.


Tom Rohrig   tom.rohrig@ttu.edu  

  • Last Updated Sep 30, 2024
  • Views 15
  • Answered By Tom Rohrig

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