In 2024 if your disabled and 67yrs old will i receive a stimulus check

In 2024 if your disabled and 67yrs old will i receive a stimulus check


Thank you for your question. 

The IRS has issued all first, second and third Economic Impact Payments. Most eligible people already received their stimulus payments and won't be eligible to claim a Recovery Rebate Credit. People who are missing a stimulus payment or got less than the full amount may be eligible to claim a Recovery Rebate Credit on their 2020 or 2021 federal tax return. There are no stimulus payments scheduled for 2024. See the IRS Recovery Rebate Credit page for more information, including how to find out if you have any unclaimed credit and how to claim it.

There has been some misinformation spread online about an alleged "fourth stimulus check" being sent to older Americans or people with disabilities. There will be no fourth stimulus check going out to anyone. See the AARP article "No, Social Security Beneficiaries Are Not Getting a Fourth Stimulus Check" for more information about this AI-generated fake news.


I hope this information is helpful to you. If this is not what you need, or if you need any further assistance, please let us know. 

Bobby Griffith
Lead Government Information Reference Associate
Sycamore Library
University of North Texas Libraries

  • Last Updated Sep 09, 2024
  • Views 11846
  • Answered By Bobby Griffith

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Comments (13)

  1. Why did they say that there was going to be a 4th stimulus check for the people on Ssi ssdi in 2024 if there really was no stimulus checks
    by Caroline on Oct 16, 2024
  2. Please shut down your side in Fern Park Florida cassaberry
    by Kenneth Skillin on Oct 26, 2024
  3. Need put stop all the lies , people having hard times without this
    by Jonia Harris on Oct 27, 2024
  4. Due to the economy and inflation, we SSI,Disability etc should get a STIMULUS check. No one cares about us!!!!!
    by Audrey Ward on Oct 29, 2024
  5. Everyone But AMERICAN Are Getting Extra Money to live on. WE GET NOTHING.
    by Sadie Ann on Nov 05, 2024
  6. It's ashame that everybody else does the disabled an poorest don't get any extra help I barely get by and I said barely but no you give extra to kids an families an the rich how of these parents did yall check out to see where it went i bet a good 85 percent went to drugs an the kids got nothing and that's a disgrace we barely have enough food to eat don't qualify for food stamps my petty lil check is gone in 2 days paying bills an getting what I only have to have to survive so excuse me for for wondering why my government doesn't give a holy crapola about me
    by Karen combs on Nov 13, 2024
  7. I am 64 and my check for ssdi is gone the same day I received it. I barely have enough food to get to the next check. My two cats which were rescued are suffering. The vets are raping pet owners. I don't have the heart to watch them die. The Lord wouldn't allow me in heaven doing that. Please help
    by Melinda Frederick on Nov 14, 2024
  8. Can you please explain to me why you can give the rich all this money and don't make them pay taxes and stuff but yeah that's poor Americans are suffering every day deciding if we're going to buy food or medicine and then they wonder why our kids don't graduate whether they don't get caught on school because nobody wants to I'm going to sit here and tell us that we don't deserve this but everybody else does but whatever has to leave every day to feed our kids hustling to do whatever it takes to put food on the table for them and why these rich bastards are sitting there smoking their cigars and drinking their whiskey I laughing it up because and they get their money and we got nothing that's why our economy is so poor and so bad off because people like you cuz you choose to leave us behind and help those rich people that already have money that day the shit it out every day and say hey do you want some no I don't understand why we can't get the same help as they do what's wrong with us cuz we're not their color well guess what we still bleed the same so please tell me why do you get us so excited saying that we're going to get this this money to help us and then all the sudden we don't get nothing what are we cuz I would like to know cuz I thought we were humans I thought we were humans like everybody else as I've always got a chance to to survive in to get help too but apparently not we have to struggle everyday to make sure it is put on the table of the waters on the electricity is running and that's the same time you guys are over there and billions of billions of dollars away to rich people that don't have to pay shit don't have to pay taxes nothing and we're struggling to save our lives and our houses so why don't you throw us money so we can pay our stuff then we can be okay we can be like you people but you know what I wouldn't want to be like you people too high class and nothing to show for it you walk around with your nose up in the air like you're better than everybody else then at the end of the day you're still the same as we are missing people don't see it that way people say it like oh my God they're rich they have everything but then when it all comes down to it what did you do it for because you ain't going to get paid they're not going to they're not going to help you they're going to look at you like you're a piece of shit like your trash that don't belong there I know cuz I've been there I've done it and it's not very it's not very nice they say they don't care cuz they could do whatever they want to and not worry because they have money to throw so I think that if you can give them money if you can care and take care of them you could do the same for us I figured that if Trump won again that it was going to be the same thing I was going to be for the rich the rich and the white and we're not all stupid dude we know what you're in you know the truth that breaks my heart that you would leave us poor people out and not worry about us and our kids and their futures but God damn that a white person walk in and who they get whatever the fuck they want excuse my language but it's the truth I'm done talking ain't getting me nowhere I just do I think it's shitty that you're helping them but not us I guess we'll always be forgotten cuz we're not the color you expect or want in your world
    by JENNIFER STREETER on Nov 20, 2024
  9. Thanx for letting us know. Seriously, it's absurd that a false story's allowed to be perpetuated for so long.
    by STUART SANDLER on Nov 23, 2024
  10. The reason I'm putting up a post for the ones that need help and can get it The government keeps talking about giving but never gives I'm one who never got a stimulus check and I'm starting to wonder what is the future with the new president who cares about the rich and makes himself look like he cares for everyone The future does not look good for people in need if you're rich you're in if you're poor and need help physically I guess we wait until we die thank God for Jesus Christ they'll be a better life then
    by John Quick on Nov 27, 2024
  11. My SS checks are gone in week two. Who is writing about stimulus checks? I'll give you a stimulus, right here...
    by Eva Destruction on Dec 07, 2024
  12. Why is our governor or our government helping the poor people im on fixed income about to lose every thing cant pay my bills on time and we didnt get no money out if what you gave our state but Marshall got a million dollar ball field is crazy i want help
    by Tina Iouise Holley on Dec 11, 2024
  13. I think doggies and cats should get pet food stamps it's really hard out here.we need help for our animals their ower family to.please help them they need food stamps.
    by Cj on Dec 13, 2024