Where would I find a free database of foundations private foundations endowments and who they serve There must be a resource or agency that has

Where would I find a free database of foundations private foundations endowments and who they serve There must be a resource or agency that has this data somewhere!
I am looking for a database of foundations. I want to known which gov agency regulates them and I want to know all the resources that you can provide me with that I can research them! I want mainly foundations that works with businesses. Artists and individuals


Candid's Foundation Directory Online (https://fconline.foundationcenter.org/) is a subscription-based database of foundations that provide grants and other assistance to individuals and nonprofit organization. Access to the database is provided for free to the public by the Funding Information Network (https://candid.org/improve-your-nonprofit/funding-information-network/), which is a network of libraries and other community resource centers that have a subscription to the database.

Go to https://candid.org/find-us and enter a location to find the nearest Funding Information Network partners near you. If you are in Allentown, PA, there is one at the Allentown Public Library. The staff at these resource centers can also help you navigate the database and provide other assistance in obtaining a grant.

Normally you have to be physically in the building to access the database. The current COVID-19 pandemic has complicated access to library resources, so contact your nearest Funding Information Network partner directly to find out what options are currently available. In some cases they may be able to provide remote access.

More information on foundations is available from the Council on Foundations at https://www.cof.org/content/foundation-basics

You can find information on how to obtain grants at PennState Extension: https://extension.psu.edu/making-the-most-of-your-grant-writing-efforts

An article describing how the government regulates nonprofit organizations is available at https://www.boardeffect.com/blog/governs-nonprofit-organizations/ 

Information on government sources of benefits, grants, and loans is available at USA.govhttps://www.usa.gov/benefits-grants-loans


I hope this information is helpful. If this is not what you need, or if you should require any further assistance, please let us know.


Bobby Griffith
Government Information Specialist
Eagle Commons Library
University of North Texas Libraries


  • Last Updated Oct 18, 2020
  • Views 1242
  • Answered By Bobby Griffith

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